Saturday, February 3, 2007

Weekend, Feb.2-3

Ok, here I go. I am attempting to resume all the events of my life in the last day or two. This may end up like a season of 24, but here goes. Yesterday I went to music school, that is, choir, which lasts about 3 hours, and got a GREAT new announcement. The teacher wants us to begin going 4 days a week, instead of just 2. HOOORAY!!(ya right). After music school we headed over to the Schag's house for my dad and Uncle Joe to work on a video presentation they're going to show at the missions conference in Caracas in two weeks. Anyway, on the way over, I revieved some terrific news. Abot a month ago, I took my semester exams; Mom packaged them and sent them to A-Beka to be graded. Up until Friday, we STILL did not know if they had gotten them, and that morning Mom said that if they didn't get them, they would send some more, and I would have to take them all over again. YIKES!! I definitely didn't want to do that, because it would mean re-studying ALL of what I had learned up until then. But as Mom picked us up, she told me that she had gotten an e-mail that afternoon saying they had recieved the exams. GLORY HALLELUJAH!! We had a great time at the Schag's, and we watched CARS, which is a totally AWESOME movie, with AMAZING graphics!


Rita Loca said...

Cras is one of my MOST favorite movies, after LOTR, StarWars. anything Star Trek...

Rita Loca said...

oops that would be Cars!

Shane Rios said...

so your in a choir to. i go to a club named pach club i'm jayd's cuz by the way.soud's like you've ben busy.

Rita Loca said...

Still waiting for part 2. Do we have to wait a month again?

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! I would hate to think I had to retake a bunch of exams! God is good to us isn't he?

~*♥Verja♥*~ said...

Ethan's slow,
He never blogs.
Ethan's busy,
I'd like to see a post of him in Polish clogs!